samedi 21 novembre 2015

November screenshots

Here are some screenshots of Cape Bleue in its current state (november build).

Everyday life in the village.

The climbing mechanic.

I added some dust particles since the last post about it.

The new map, now comes with an opening animation.

jeudi 19 novembre 2015

Spider tank

Same thing than in previous post, but with legs.

dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Tank in voxels

I'm working on a tank for a new level's background. To be able to use it in different angles, I did it in voxels. There's still work to do on this, but I already like it.

vendredi 13 novembre 2015

Forest level

A couple of new screenshots of the forest level (still in progress):

The first one shows the scene view I use to build the level in Unity, and its result in the game view.

This screenshot of the game playing in forest level, with new ray lights.

lundi 9 novembre 2015

Early version of Forest level

I'm working on the forest level, with the help of Iverson Chan (he drew almost all the assets used in this level).

It still lacks some things, and all elements are placed for test purpose only, but I'm happy to show you an early version of this new level.

An animated gif showing parallax in motion can be seen here on Gfycat.


vendredi 6 novembre 2015


Here is the last thing I made, a spider, walking like a boss. Currently working on the whole animset for this character.